






熊继政:No, 因为和这样的球队较量,对我们的成长帮助还是挺大的。

< p >< strong > 问: 你已经在这个团队里待了一段时间,也与同龄人进行了多次热身赛,这几场成年队的赛事对于备战未来 U20 亚洲杯决赛阶段有什么意义?

< p >< strong > 熊继正:

< P >< Strong > 问: 大家可能不是特别了解你,可以介绍一下自己的特点吗?

  熊继政:  我的特点是在场上拼尽全力,同时做好自己的本职工作,并完成教练布置任务。我还会通过积极跑动来协助我的队友.

  问: Your running distance in the last warm-up match was quite impressive, over 6000 meters. How do you feel about your fitness recovery now?

< STRONG >& nbsp ; & #8203;& #8203 ; & lt;/span>< BR/> < B R /> (b r/>) 体能恢复得不错,我没觉得特别累,总体状态还可以。

P   Q: In previous national youth team warm-ups, you've played as a wing-back and then switched to an eighth or tenth position. Which one do you think suits you best?. Cum Jizheng :I prefer playing in the middle at number eight because it feels more comfortable for me . But I will respect the coach’s opinion and fully commit to fulfilling their requirements based on what the team needs. 以上内容可见,针对即将到来的U20亚洲杯,我们应该如何努力并保持自信。 > Q : What are your thoughts on future U20 Asian Cup matches ? A :I hope we can win every game and put our all into performing well!. 请相信自己和球队!