穆斯卡特:李昂门线解围成赛季转折点 海港展现精彩足球风采

12月9日讯 在回澳大利亚休假前,海港主帅穆斯卡特接受了《体坛周报》记者马德兴的专访。他对过去一个赛季进行了总结,并坦言新赛季将面临全新的挑战。


穆斯卡特:(笑) 过去一个赛季我们付出了很多,也取得了许多令人振奋的成果,仅仅用一个词来概括并不容易。如果非要选,我会说“骄傲(pride)”。虽然这不能涵盖所有,但我确实为我们团队所取得的成就和大家共同努力感到自豪。




< p >< strong > 穆斯卡特: 这是个难以回答的问题,因为太多美好的瞬间让我印象深刻。我个人总是在关注未来,因此很难具体指出一场。不过,如今回顾整个赛事,我认为李昂在球门线上的解围是一刻非常关键,它不仅铭记于心,更创造了历史。

< p >< strong > 体坛: 球队在整个过程中遇到了哪些困难呢?

< p >< strong > 穆斯卡特:   上个季度,我们经历了一系列挑战。从一开始,由于亚洲杯结束后不少球员带伤归队,影响到我们的技战术执行。而且,在炎热夏天中的紧密日程更是考验着每位成员。在这种情况下,我们必须团结一致,共同克服种种困境,这也锻炼了我们的意志品质,使精神更加坚定。

< P >< Strong > 体育 : < / 强> 联盟倒数第三轮客场输给成都蓉城时,你是不是觉得这个賽 季 奪 冠 没戏了吗?</P>

< &mu;skatat: 我没有觉得那是世界末日。坦率来说,当时唯一可做的是相信自己,相信球队能够赢下之后两场比赛。这次失利没法左右我们的情绪,只需专注自己的表现,而其他无法控制。因此,那时候我坚信仍有机会争取冠军.

> P:>不过随后,同城申花出人意料地主场2比2打平深圳新鹏城,让海港登顶积分榜。在那之前你考虑过这样的结果吗?

Muskart:I never thought about it. To me, thinking of other things or discussing others is a waste of time. I focus on our work because that itself requires significant energy. Titan : The entire season you've left an obvious "Musk" mark on the harbor team . How did you do this ? Or how was it planned at the beginning and implemented step by step?   ; Muscatt :The fact is ,I truly believe we can play beautiful and exciting attacking football,and I'm confident if we achieve this,we will win matches.Because I've done so before with my previous teams.I have faith in myself it's not arrogance but confidence. Titan : Is your current tactical approach to Harbor a concrete reflection of your consistent soccer philosophy or specifically tailored for Harbor after understanding the overall situation in Chinese Super League?   ; **Muscat:** As a coach, I have my own tactical principles regarding what kind of football I'd like my team to play.In different places adjustments are necessary,but these basic principles remain intact.They form the foundation upon which I build.My assistants helped more targeted adjustment when arriving here.Working together from early season made us discuss whether such tactics could effectively guarantee enough wins based on players' existing skills.

Of course discussions must happen within framework limitations ultimately defining player capabilities isn't solely ours rather lies among them.The coaching staff provided ample room without restricting individual styles instead emphasizing core tenets.Since life mirrors football too much limitation restricts growth hence avoiding those confines has been paramount. **Titan:** Can this be understood as part of your soccer philosophy? **Muscott:** Yes,you'll see fundamental rules guiding desired style during matches.For instance striving control over games regardless possession status always aiming attack while maximizing ball retention across all phases sustained throughout contests.Next comes deciding who plays where under varying conditions affecting selections. TITAN: External observers claim frontcourt foreign aid played decisive roles in present day Harbour’s strategic execution.How would you assess such statements? MUscat: This assessment holds merit indeed!In midfield regaining possession quickly transitioning into offense reflects their influence.Naturally appreciation extends towards non-offensive contributors facilitating movement through zones allowing effective transitions aiding forwards immensely.When comparing imports versus locals one should acknowledge differences each role fulfilling integral parts -take keeper Yan Junling calm handling initiating attacks being first link involved.Well also Wei Zhen Li Ang Zhang Linpeng’s contributions showcasing evolution compared prior performances highlight importance collectively driving success further enhancing effectiveness thus proving accurate observations exist around said external critiques since they embody crucial elements needed advancing toward scoring opportunities achieved via established patterns resulting successful outcomes focused winning using distinctive methods embraced developing vivid identity proud achievements emerged swiftly establishing recognizable characteristics along journey!